The Watson-Cox Family History Web Log

This is a web log or "blog" about efforts to publish the Watson-Cox family history in the form of a single hardbound book. Major family names being researched include Watson and Cox. If you feel your family history ties into ours, please post a comment to one of the latest postings. Please subscribe to get instant updates.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Welcome to the Watson-Cox Family History Web Log

Welcome family members and the public in general. If you are interested in researching the Watson and Cox family names and history, this is one resource you may find useful. This site is mainly about promoting our efforts to publish a physical volume of family history based on the Watson-Cox family ancestors and descendants.

In particular, we are focusing on the Charles Ethelbert Watson family. Charles married into the Cox line through his wife Amanda Irene Cox.

On the Cox side, we are focusing on families revolving around Amanda Irene's father, Walter Cox, and her grandfather Orville Sutherland Cox. A web site dedicated to O.S. Cox can be found at and it contains many wonderful excerpts and full histories of this pioneering family that was so critical in the taming of the American West.

For an example of where we are headed with our publishing efforts, have a look at its "sister" project, at, which focuses on the Wilson-Bingham family line.

If you have information or talents you'd like to contribute to our project, please contact us using the form below. Thanks!

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